Potting Mix Recommendations

All the potting mixes we recommend are ideal for providing an airy and pH-balanced growing environment for aroids. However, if you have another potting mix that works well for your other aroids, you can continue using it.

Pon Mix (Highly Recommended)

  • Our Home-mix Pon
    • Pros: Easy handling for new growers, faster establishment of new root system, easy to water, and clean to work with after the first wash. More eco-friendly as a reusable potting mix.
    • Cons: Little more expansive than traditional potting mix.

Tropical Mix Media

  • Ratio: 1:1:1:0.2:0.2 = Coco Coir : Pumice (or Perlite) : Wood Chip : Active Carbon (Recommended, but Optional) : Worm Casting (Recommended, but Optional)
    • Active Carbon helps purify water, and worm casting acts as organic fertilizer to promote plant growth. If not available immediately, you can add them later.
    • Pros: Affordable, lightweight, suitable for all tropical plants.
    • Cons: Risk of attracting bugs and pests, potential for creating mess on your floor.
  • Our Leca
    • Important: Before placing the plant(s) in water, carefully check the roots to remove any possible rotten parts, as water can accelerate the rotting process.
    • You can also add some leca at the bottom of the container to help position the plant.
    • Pros: Extremely cheap, easy to check root condition.
    • Cons: Lacks nutrition.



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